Election Observer Mission
![]() As part of SHARE’s continued accompaniment, we welcome YOU to join as an election observer in spring of next year. Election observers will be witnesses to the 2018 legislative elections. In this upcoming election, the people of El Salvador will elect all members of the 262 municipal councils and 84 Legislative Deputies.
Electoral observation begins as soon as one is accredited as an observer by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE). On March 2nd, delegates will attend a 4-hour training to participate on Election Day, March 4th. ![]() This Assembly is strategic because it will be electing Supreme Court judges and approve funding for social programs.Given the history of El Salvador, international observers are very important to offer a layer of protection against corruption and respect the results of the elections.
The cost of the delegation is $700 and covers all expenses in country such as transportation, hotel, all meals, interpreter, certification training and organization of the delegation. This cost does not include airfare from the US to El Salvador. SHARE has 36 years of experience observing elections in El Salvador; we also have taken over 10,000 delegates to visit El Salvador with a record of zero incidents. The Observer Mission will be arriving on Thursday March 1st, Friday will be the observer certification training, Saturday we will travel to the community sites to observe, observation of election on Sunday, Monday is dedicated to learn about women projects of SHARE, and Tuesday the 6th return to the U.S. Thank you for considering the invitation and for sharing it with friends. You are invited to make a donation to support a low income youth to join the Observer Mission. Please make a check to SHARE and mail it to 2425 College Ave. Berkeley CA. 94704 or online, any question please call me at (415) 558-8634. Thank you for your solidarity, Jose Artiga Executive Director |
How do I register for the delegation?
Complete the online application form and pay a non-refundable deposit of $100 in check form, to Graciela Lovo at 2425 College Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704. You may also pay the deposit online at share-elsalvador.org/donate
When is the deadline for registration?
Final registration for the delegation has been extended to January 31st, 2018
What is the delegation fee?
The fee for the delegation is $700. If extending to March 8th, 2018 the fee will be $980. Please send in a non-refundable deposit of $100 by January 8th, 2018. The full balance is due by January 31st, 2018. (Please note that due to fixed costs, such as hiring translators and reserving rooms, SHARE will only be able to refund 50% of the $700 or $980 delegation fee after January 31st, 2018.)
Why should I stay for the extended time until March 8th, 2018?
Your presence has a profound impact. International observers are a key component in preventing electoral fraud and recommending improvements in the process in the years since the end of the civil war. By staying until the 8th, you are committing to ensure full completion of the necessary internal legal norms that guarantee and advance the construction and consolidation of a democratic system.
What does the delegation fee cover?
The fee covers food, lodging, translation, set-up and facilitation of meetings, reading and preparation materials, orientation, and on-the-ground transportation in El Salvador. Airfare is not included in the delegation price.
What are the accommodations in El Salvador like?
Delegates stay in safe, clean guesthouses or hotels. SHARE has been using many of the same accommodations for years without problem. A majority of the meals are made in-house/served at the hotel.
Do I need to speak Spanish to participate in the delegation?
Although Spanish language skills are helpful, they are not necessary for participation. Interpretation will be provided by SHARE.
How does SHARE prepare delegates for the experience?
SHARE will send a general information packet on history, politics, itinerary and travel tips. Leading up to departure, we will have 3 conference calls where all participants can have a chance to meet one another. SHARE also encourages delegates to read publications listed in a suggested reading list.
Who participates in SHARE delegations?
Individuals and groups with a sincere interest in learning from Salvadorans about the struggles of El Salvador and a desire to accompany them in that process. Delegates should possess a willingness to learn and be challenged by circumstances of poverty and should share a sensitivity towards cultures other than their own. SHARE encourages people of diverse backgrounds to participate in delegations.
Who sets up and accompanies the delegation?
SHARE staff and volunteers facilitate the delegations. Many have extensive in-country experience and can serve as a resource for answering questions regarding logistics, politics and culture.
Is it dangerous to travel in El Salvador?
Safety is the ultimate priority for SHARE staff and volunteers. SHARE has been facilitating delegations for over 25 years and has extensive in-country experience and contacts. This network of information and support has allowed SHARE to coordinate delegations safely. Delegates will receive reading materials and orientation in El Salvador on common sense safety precautions while traveling in El Salvador.
What are the recommended immunizations for travel to El Salvador?
Please go to the Center for Disease Control website for complete information: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel
Do I need a passport or visa to travel to El Salvador?
A valid passport with an expiration date no less than 6 months from departure date to El Salvador is necessary for travel to El Salvador. U.S. citizens do not need a visa, but you will pay a $10 fee for visiting. For those holding passports from other countries, the visa requirements vary depending from what country the passport is issued. Please go to www.elsalvador.org for complete information.
Where can I find out more about the SHARE Foundation?
For further information on SHARE’s programming, mission and history, email [email protected]